Monday, October 22, 2007

Hey Guys

Okay, I think everybody has a post where they are down so here is mine.

My marriage SUCKS!!!
My job SUCKS!!!
I'm BROKE!!!

Whew! I feel better.

I am super lonely though. My marriage has turned into a co-existense of two individuals who happen to have two kids together. I haven't gotten a divorce yet because there happens to be really no reason to. I am not emotionally attached to anyone else and it happens to be convenient for now. For both of us. I'm not cold hearted we both feel the same way. He cheated on me and regrets it but we both feel like we have come to an end as far as our marriage goes.

My job really isn't that bad. It pays the bills and allows me to live my life relatively like I want to. Right now we are still combining both of our incomes so that helps. Once I am out on my own it will be somewhat tighter but I don't care freedom counts for alot.

I have a great family that is very supportive of me and that means everything to me. They are very non-judgemental. There is no pressure they want to just be happy and for the kids to be happy.

By the way, I really need to have you guys give me some input on my last post.

Hard-Suck, Oh yeah, I didn't tell you about him did I? He is the newest edition to my team. He is officially an idiot. My job requires that we stay on top of things. Manufacturing is pretty fast paced. He seems to not understand this point. I have come to the cynical realization that I blame everything on him whether he is around or not. If it is something wrong he did it as far as I'm concerned. Slugs move faster than he does and his brain processes information at the speed of diamonds being formed. Everyday I work we all lay bets on what utterly stupid thing he is going to do or say during the shift. We call him hard suck because he did one of those homemade tattoo things on his hands and one letter per finger spells out h-a-r-d _-u-c-k. We are all guessing that the 1st letter on the second hand is an l but it is all messed up and looks like an s. Hence the name hard suck. I wish everyone knew the ins and outs of paper manufacturing then I could relate some specific storys and ya'll would understand what I was talking about. Given that most people don't I won't bore you with the details.

God I hate feeling lonely. Okay, okay. No more pity party. I'm am going to go read some of Chris or Neal's stuff they always make me laugh uncontrollably.

Ta Ta for now.

(c)2007 K. Brown all rights reserved


Elise said...

Do what I do when I'm feeling down... Have a nice cup of tea and bitch about your troubles to a friend. Works like a charm. xoxox

Beginning with "B" said...

Well, you seem to be one with the Soul of a poet...

...and, the life of one too!
My poetry is at wordpress: [The poetry "Category" is there.(I moved this blog from blogger to wordpress recently. The other "categories" are a bit "naughty"~~adult material (just a warning, if that's not your cup of tea!)

In any event, I hope you'll visit, and leave a comment on my poems.

I can tell already, just from reading the last poem you posted, I'll be back to read more.


Ps: Things will get better (re:this post)...Life throws so many things our way. I've got my own troubles too, and I definitely "vent" them, when necessary, on my blog.
Be well. Hang in there!

Kevin Patrick Gannon said...

Hey man don't waste good hate/emptiness! Pick up that pen and put it to use. It's the best part of writing. It's one of the main reasons I do it!
Good luck